Monday, June 29, 2015

Currency poor in Greece ... Run away ... take your $ out of your bank, now!

Can you imagine begging to get your cash out of the bank? Look what's happening in Greece right now ... the whole world is watching the collapse and the EU is not doing anything to stop it. Greece, what are you thinking? Your economy is in the toilet and people think this can't happen in the US. OMG, I can't imagine only being allowed to pull out $66.00 a day to survive or imagine having $66.00 dollars in my account in Florida! I have nothing really and that would be a step up. But, seriously what is going to happen tomorrow? This could spread and is already affecting our market ... Wow, I would take all of your cash out of the bank and buy a nice big safe at home ... or start not using credit cards or cash ... and put your money in your own personal can goods or commodities like gold or diamonds. We Americans are so dumb, we need to think in terms that this CAN happen here. Being cash poor is not big deal, being hungry is. If you have cash in the bank, spend it on your food storage or stock up on the end of the world supplies. But your an RV and have it converted to Greasel and buy lots of cooking oil to gas it up. Get a trunk, a tank, a boat, and a plot of land and be ready for the end of the world. Don't wait until you get to be like Greece. Run away to a plot of land out west and put a trailor on it until you build your self sustaining structure. Since I have been out of work since February, I still have food storage that I live on so I won't starve and that makes all that cash I had worth spending. Cash is King but canned goods is forever.

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