Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hairy Mole at the Taco Bell ... save me!

I was at the drive through at the Taco Bell and there was a guy in his mid twenties taking the money. He was Hispanic with dark hair and sporting a very poor baby like beard. I hate it when men sport a beard and can't grow a full beard. My husband is a real man in that he can and does have the requisite man power to grow a luscious bear of a beard. This kid should just give up and shave it as it looked horrible. To make matters worse, he lifted his arm up in the air to grab something and damn it, if he didn't have the most disgusting mole with hair underneath his arm. If I had that underneath where its visible like his was, I would have it removed. Now, I knew that everything he did was going to be gross because he served me with a nasty hair mole with that hand. There should be some food handling permit for that mole! Just gross and it was big enough for me to know about it and then when he put his arm down, I still had to look at the pubes on his face. Oh man, I was grossed out and felt kind of sorry for him. I have been to the dermatologist many times to have disgusting things removed from my body but I was so shocked I had no words. Look it: if you work with food and have a big giant mole that has a life of its own - remove it.

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