Monday, June 29, 2015

Wild Cherry Pepsi Versus Cherry Coke ...

I love me a good soda filled caffeine fix just like the next fat girl, but damn when I was in high school I drank Wild Cherry Diet Pepsi everyday at lunch as my lunch. Usually in about an hour in Astronomy class, I had a belly ache. I never knew that the fake cherry in the Wild Cherry Pepsi would make me so f*cking ill. And, yet everyday I was buying another one just like a junkie and I believe I got an "A" in my high school Astronomy class due to the wild cherry! LOL But, seriously about six month ago, I stopped drinking diet soda and just getting the soda straight with all of the delicious sugar and I gained four pounds. Now, this may not seem like a whole lot of weight but I have been drinking a sh*t load of soda. I can't stop and now I am worse off than just taking my Aspartame like a good girl. Why can't I have both and I think I will start going back to the Diet Soda, probably the straight Diet Coke, but every once in a while I can still find me a 12 pack of that delicious, "Diet Wild Cherry Coke" and I am happy again one cherry at a time ... The full sugar Cherry Coke is ok ... but I like my Coke straight with some real cherry juice. <sigh> I love Pepsi too and I am not one of those to get into that whole Coke versus Pepsi stuff but when I have a choice I guess I do prefer Coke. There I said it ...

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